this application was provided by Dr. Genevieve Newton, Dr. David Ma, and Saskia Teri. More information about CMER can be found at
Rank Abbr. Meaning. CMER. Cooperative Monitoring, Evaluation and Research (Washington) CMER. Center for Management and Economic Research (various locations) CMER. Centre for the Management of Environmental Resources (est. 1992; France) CMER.
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Jul 13, 2016 How CosR and CmeR interact in binding to the cmeABC promoter and how CosR senses oxidative stress are still unknown.
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CMER has been set up by New Zealand's most active group of minerals sector environmental scientists to: Provide current state-of-the-art research information to minerals sector stakeholders and the New Zealand public; identify and encourage collaborations between minerals sector stakeholders and research scientists; provide a bibliographic service for New Zealand minerals environmental research …
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